Little Crackers

Nursery News

In French this week Miss Nicola helped us all to remember how to say our colours. We really enjoy singing ‘Bonjour!” with her each week, and then took turns to have a race with the ‘bleu’ and ‘vert’ coloured tops. Then she made a fabulous coloured sandwich, waiting for us to tell her what colour to choose next. 

We were also lucky to have another visitor this week; thank you Mr Duigan! He came to see us to talk about his job, and what he does every day, he then invited us into his office. We tiptoed through the main office, visiting the lovely ladies on our way, then made ourselves at home in his office, watching as Mr Duigan answered the phone and worked at his desk. We were all keen to have a go, but maybe it was for the best that we left him in peace to get on! Please can you check out the newsletter for a message from Mrs Bird about increasing sessions, and have a great weekend. Stay warm and dry if you are out and about, and maybe send us some pictures of the fun you have!

For further details of the 'fun and goings-on' with Nursery please click on the attached link.

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