
Minnie Vinnies Mass

Thank you to all the Mini Vinnies for preparing a lovely Mass for Key Stage 1 this week on the theme of Helping Hands. The pupils used their creative skills to produce a superb PowerPoint, wrote prayers, decided on gifts to be brought up for the offertory and read beautifully. The Mass was a credit to you all and you should be very proud of the good work you have done.

The next Mass will be the Advent Mass. This will be led by Junior 3 pupils and held on Tuesday 19 December, our last day of term. Please note all members of the school community are welcome to attend.  


RE Book of the Week

The RE Book of Week is awarded to Edward Hunter for writing a beautiful canticle of creation in the style of St Francis. Edward used religious knowledge, literacy and computing skills to produce a super creation prayer which celebrates the awe and wonder of nature.




Counting Down to One World Christmas Decoration Winner's Announcement

Final Call for your completed Christmas Decorations please, as they need to be with Mrs. Jackson-Mayne by next Monday for judging. She has been amazed at the quality and individuality of the ones that she has seen so far.

Do look out for the Christmas tree that will arrive in the school foyer, as it will be adorned with all your wonderful One World decorations.

Best of luck one and all!