
RE Book of the Week

Today two fantastic students were awarded the honour of being Crackley's RE Book of the Week recipient.

Firstly, Francesca Voisey (J5G) showed excellent listening skills and a high level of detail in her description of the structure of a mass.

Secondly, Noah Cowlishaw (J3V) has demonstrated a consistent high standard of work in RE, with his description of the different objects used during mass using sketches and labelling being a highlight.



Creative Caps On - It's One World Week!

The theme for this exciting Christmas decoration competition is 'One World'.

This morning each class has been allocated a country to use as their inspiration to design a Christmas decoration for that country. The decoration can be 2D or 3D, it could be a bought decoration decorated or completely hand made. The only requirements are that it needs to be easy to recognise which country it is representing. For example, a decoration that reprented France could show the Eiffel Tower, croissants, wine and cheese or the French flag etc.

There's plenty of time to get creative as Mrs. Jackson-Mayne will need your decorations by Monday 27 November. Knowing Crackley's crafty types will be raring to get going we've included details of the country your child's class has been given. Best of luck one and all!


France - Reception

USA - Junior 1N

Australia - Junior 1G

China - Junior 2H

India - Junior 2M

Poland - Junior 6H

South Africa - Junior 3

The World   Junior 4JM

Germany - Junior 4H

Italy - Junior 5W

Great Britain - Junior 5V

Mexico - Junior 5R

Spain - Junior 6L