Important Information

Christmas Tree Decoration Competition

This year the theme for the Christmas Tree Decoration competition at St Nicholas Church will be ‘One World’; a theme that ties in with our Multicultural Week planned in February. Students are therefore invited to design and make a 2D or 3D decoration. Each class will be given a country in their PSHCE lesson next week and will be set as a homework to make a decoration which will represent that country. This will be given as a homework next Friday 17 November.

All designs should have a flame motif and have a loop attached to it so that it can be hung easily on the Crackley Hall Christmas tree. All decorations should be handed in to their class teacher by Friday 24 November.

Traditionally, the Christmas Tree is decorated by all the RE Book of the Week Winners this term, it will be on display at St Nicholas Church during the switch on of lights on Dec 1 and over the whole weekend. It is lovely to get this opportunity to be involved in our local community.


Reminder about Nuts

Please can we remind all parents that any items containing nuts or made from nuts (eg Nutella spread) should not be bought in to school in snacks or packed lunches.  We have a number of children with severe nut allergies in school which can be triggered by the prescence of nuts. 

Irish Dancing Exams

We have been advised by Mrs McCourt that there will be Irish Dancing examinations in Coventry on 9 December.  If your child would like to take part please email Mrs McCourt on 

Flu Vaccination

Parents of children in Reception, J1, J2, J3 & J4 should have received, via their child's bag, a letter, consent form and information from the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust regarding their flu vaccination program. Please return the letter to the school office by 20 November indicating whether you wish to take advantage of this service.

Winter Uniform Rules

The weather is on the turn and this quick reminder is to let you know that you can purchase your school winter wear essentials from either the Uniform Shop at Princethorpe College or from the Office at Crackley Hall. Items are priced as follows:

Fleece Gloves – Age 2-4, 5-7, 7-9, 9-12          £4.00

Fleece Hat – Small / Standard                        £5.00

Fleece Scarf – One Size                                 £7.00

Crackley Hall's Office Team can accept cash or cheque, whilst the Uniform Shop at Princethorpe can also accept card payments. Alternatively, you might choose to add your purchase to your bill and have the items delivered to Crackley Hall for you to collect.

If you need to email Princethorpe your uniform orders, please ensure you use this link or type the following email address into your browser Parents are advised that this is a new email address. Consequently any messages that have been sent to a previous email address which require a response should be resent.  

Christmas Lunch Countdown

For those who'd like a full Christmas dinner within school on Wednesday 13 December, then the time to act is now. Happily, those children who normally have a hot dinner on a Wednesday can rest easy, as your lunch is booked and taken care of.

It's our Wednesday packed lunch munchers who'd like to tuck into turkey and all the trimmings who need to get their order in! To do so, please print off the attached slip and returning it to school before the 6 December.

Time to Jingle those Christmas Jumpers

It's time to dig out the festive knitwear for children and staff at Crackley Hall and Little Crackers Nursery! We will be supporting Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 15 December. You can wear any Christmas jumper, shop bought or homemade, the brighter the better! All you need to do is don your jumper and give your teacher £1 for the privilege on the day. Remember, everyone who takes part helps us to solve some very serious problems, so that every child possible has a brighter future. Further details can be found using this link.


While the Junior 3s took their LAMDA examinations this week, we are now looking to prepare out Junior 4, 5 and 6 children for theirs next term.

The children will be choosing their first pieces to learn over the next few weeks.

Please read the LAMDA letter for your child’s year group and hand the reply slips back in before Friday 24 November. 

Many thanks for your support with LAMDA, it is a huge strength of the school and equips the children with invaluable life-long communication skills.

Junior 4 LAMDA Examinations

Junior 5 LAMDA Examinations

Junior 6 LAMDA Examinations



Trips - Letters And Dates Reminders

We have a number of trips coming up over the next few weeks. Please see the relevant letters below. This information is also available in the Trips and Important Dates section. 

J2 Great Fire of London Trip 30.01.18

One World Week: J3 trip to Singers Hill Synagogue 15.02.18

One World Week: J4 trip to Buddhist Peace Pagoda 13.02.18

One World Week: J5 trip to Birmingham Mosque 13.02.18

One World Week: J6 trip to Gurdwara Sahib 12.02.18

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 Trip to Warwick Arts Centre 01.12.17- Letter for Reception and Year 1

Nursery, Reception and Year 1 Trip to Warwick Arts Centre 01.12.17- Letter for Nursery

J4 Anglo Saxon History Day 08.03.18






Upcoming Trips - Letters And Date Reminders

We have a number of trips coming up over the next few weeks. Please see the relevant letters below:

Yr 5/6 Chamber Choir Choral Workshop 14.11.17

Please note the change of date, the workshop is to be held on 14.11.17

J6 Victorian Day 14.12.17

Please note the change of date for this visit, happily it will now have a Christmas theme.

J2 Great Fire of London Trip 30.01.18

J5 Alton Castle trip 14.03.18 - 16.03.18 and Equipment List and Medical Form


J6 Activity Fortnight:

J6 Activity Fortnight 13 - 24.11.18 Letter

J6 Activity Fortnight Timetable