
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery Nikhil Basu
Reception G Olivia Holden 
J1G Alexa Ward 
J1W Amelia Turvey
J2H Lily Bryson
J2M Marley Hardrick 
J3V Henry Verity
J4H Rosie Moreton 
J4J Harvey Hollier
J5R Hannah Wildey 
J5V Toby Beddow
J5W Sebastian Owen
J6H Bobby Kelly
J6L Isaac Fountaine


Leonardo da Vinci's In A Spin - J4 To The Rescue!

Picture the scene, Ms Holmes' J4 English group are busy beavering away on their 'descriptive explanations' task when a tired and somewhat bewildered Renaissance inventor and painter by the name of Leonardo da Vinci stumbles into their classroom. The shock to all was palpable, but thankfully Signor da Vinci quickly cleared things up by explaining he'd opened the door to his studio and ended up in 2017 - our door must have become a time portal!

Leonardo explained that he had to show the designs for his new 'roto-copter' to the Pope without delay, but he could not be there in person and that if only someone could write a 'how to guide' for him, he might be able to send that along with the design blueprints.

Demonstrating true Crackley spirit, J4 stepped up to the challenge and offered their descriptive talents.  So the room refocused on the task at hand, listening to and looking intently at how Leonardo made his roto-copter prior to setting about writing their own 'how to' guides.    

A delighted Leonardo thanked the children and Ms Holmes and then made his way back through the portal with the instructions in hand. When questioned by Mr. Harris (Chronicle's reporter and J4H Teaching Assistant) Ms Holmes said that Signor da Vinci was really pleased with the pupils help, as even without a time machine he could confidently now be in two places at one time. 


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'Moore' Medals For Dance Star

Crackley Hall has a long tradition of Irish Dancing excellence, so it's no surprise that rising dance star Oliver Moore (J2H) has put his best foot forward and bagged possibly the largest trophies available for his age category at the recent Turley Feis.

When asked where his dancing talents came from Oliver answered with certainty, "My Dad is the best dancer at home. Dancing makes me happy and really excited!" With only a little over nine weeks dance tuition to date Oliver's siver medal in the Point Hop Back and gold trophy in the Skip Two Three's are testament to this sure-footed boy's talents.

The Chronicle has heard that Oliver's next Feis will happen within the month - let's hope his continued dedication to his newly found talent can deliver 'Moore' medals.

Wonder-Wall Swells With Pride

The Chronicle is delighted to report the recent addition of two new heroes onto the prestigious Crackley 'Wonder-Wall'.

A hero is defined by the Oxford School English Dictionary as a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Such characteristics have clearly shone out from this latest brace of Crackley's finest, given the call for their inclusion came from Mr. Duigan himself.

If you haven't yet taken a stroll to take in this most marvellous sight, then we invite you to journey from the school hall to the Reception class, as the 'Wonder-Wall' can be found on the left. The images of Oliver Farquharson (J6H) and Wilf Gridall (J5V) are to be found with their hard won ISA National Athletics medals.

Well done boys, we venture that with talents like yours and your continued dedication to practice you'll have every chance to turn this year's silver in to next year's gold.


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