
Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery Charlotte Chan
Reception G Isla McVoy
J1G Andrew Parizzi
J1W Arisha Shujaat
J2H Dillon Horan
J2M Theodora Baldassari
J3V Sam Beaman-Henderson
J4H Henry Fox
J4J Roshan Dougall
J5R Edward Hunter
J5V Andrea Zanyi
J5W Francesca Kelly
J6H Harriet Sharpe
J6L Rafal Chylinski

Students Smash World Hockey Record

Question - how many players does a regular hockey match have? Well, when there is a world record to be had this intrepid quartet of Junior 5 students, comprising William Spashett, Joseph McCullough, Dylan Williams and Toby Lucas could answer 370 players.

Such a number might suggest that this wasn't your usual game with stick in hand, but more a supersized match played to capture the world record for the most hockey players simultaneously playing a game at one time. Happily, our boys who play hockey for Crackley and Warwick Hockey Club respectively came away unscathed and more than ready for an opposition of a smaller number.  

Crackley Presents Perfect Prefect Body

Mr Duigan was delighted to announce in Whole School assembly this morning, the first group of student prefects, who will commence their office immediately. Such positions of authority are awarded to our Year 6 students on a termly basis, an event that the remaining students from Mrs Horan's and Mrs Lammas' class will enjoy at the start of Lent term.

Ably assisted by Mr. Cottrill each pupil was given their badge of office and the opportunity (along with their Junior 6 cohort) to extend their service into our third and final term next year.

We trust these shiny new prefects will perfectly compliment the already smooth running of our lovely school and provide each individual prefect with a responsibilty that will allow them to develop into the leaders of tomorrow. 



Junior 3 Baptism Visit To St Francis

On Tuesday pupils in Junior 3 visited St Francis to find out more about the Sacrament of Baptism. Armed with four baby dolls, pupils took on the roles of parents and godparents to find out about the ceremony. Father Kevin showed them the different oils and explained to the children why the church uses different signs and symbols during the service. The pupils gathered around the baptismal font excitedly to see the holy water and then four of the godparents took the baptismal candle, which is given to each child after the baptism, and lit it from the Easter Paschal candle to remind everyone that Jesus is there  to be their guiding light.

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