Important Information

Individual and Class Photographs

Thursday 21 September

Parents should note that all children should be smart, dressed in full school uniform (no jumpers but blazers) for school photographs on Thursday 21 September. Class and individual photographs will be taken but there will also be the opportunity to have sibling photographs taken first.  Should you have pre-school children that you would like photographed with their siblings, please let the office know by Tuesday at the latest in order for us to arrange the timetable for the day. If you are bringing pre-school siblings for photographs, please use the main school entrance when you arrive at the start of school and sign in at the office. Tea and coffee will be available while you wait, please park in the lower car park. Please note if all of your children are in school there will be no need to notify us, they will automatically be gathered for a sibling group photograph.

Princethorpe College Open Afternoon

Sunday 24 September - 2.00pm to 5.00pm 

Princethorpe College's annual Open Afternoon takes place on Sunday 24 September from 2.00pm - 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and for younger visitors, there will be many fun subject related activities organised by the departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors during the afternoon and refreshments will be available. 

For more information, please visit:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Crackley Hall and Little Crackers Nursery Open Day

Thursday 5 October - 10.00am to 3.00pm

Crackley Hall and Little Crackers Nursery are opening their doors for an Open Day on Thursday 5 October from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

This is an opportunity to look around the school and to meet staff and pupils on a normal working day. All are welcome, no need to book.

If you can't make the Open Day but would like to look around the school, please call our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Angela Barnard on 01926 514444 and come on a day to suit you, we welcome visitors on most days.

For more information visit

School (Uniform) Shop Opening Times

The shop located at the Princethorpe College site is open for all your new uniform needs during term time between 3.30pm and 4:30pm and by appointment only during half term. Appointments can be requested by using the following email link , or by calling 01926 634272. Should you prefer a preloved item, of which there is a good selection, then please see our PTA 'pop up' shop within the dining hall prior to assembly on any Friday.

Parking and Driving Around School

We are very appreciative of the efforts parents and staff have made with reference to driving and parking around school. We do however need to remain diligient and to continue to be good, caring neighbours. With this in mind, parents are respectfully asked to park on the right hand side (nearest the hedge) of the school car park or on the lower playground should they require a space when dropping off or collecting their children; and not to park on Fennyland Lane. As before, children are asked to open their car doors carefully and walk around the perimeter of the carpark (behind the chain link fence) when making their way to school.

Crackley Half Term Holiday Club

The Crackley Holiday Club is primed to take place week commencing 16 until the 27 October and will be open for booking soon. There will be exciting craft, games and activities taking place on weekdays at school between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm. To avoid disappointment, please watch out for the order form and return it completed to the school office with your payment. Please remember places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis as adult/child ratios cannot be exceeded.

Collections From School - Car Line

To ease parking and traffic congestion around the school parents are respectfully asked to observe the following collection times. We thank you for your assistance in this matter. 

Car Line

Reception and J1 Classes 3:30pm from the Gables entrance
J2 only 3:35pm from the side entrance
J2 and older siblings 3:45pm from the side entrance
J3 and older siblings 3:50pm from the side entrance
J4 and older siblings 3:55pm from the side entrance
J5 and older siblings 4:00pm from the side entrance
J6 only 4:05 from the side entrance


After Care

Parents who require either permanent or occasional after care for the new Michaelmas term are requested to download and complete the attached booking form. This form should be handed into the front office on completion.