
Monday Mission Assembly

Mrs Glen-Roots led the Monday Mission Assembly and asked how Jesus' disciples prepared themselves to follow Him. Mrs Glen-Roots said that by being fishers of people we too can be like Jesus. Reference was made to Jesus asking fishermen to catch fish and, like a penguin, we too can catch fish - or people - to let them know about the Word of Jesus.

Jesus didn't just ask fishermen to join Him; he wanted tax collectors and everyone to reach out to Him. Just as a fishing net scoops up more than just fish, we too could tell everyone about Jesus, without making exception. Just as Jesus loves us, we can try and love others in the same way. 

As a heart was pulled out of the fishing net in Mrs Glen-Roots' display, Jesus has asked us to be kind to each other, to love others, to be a good friend, to listen and to reach out to people who don't have many friends. If we can do all this and show courage and bravery by standing up for what is right and by resisting temptation, we too can all be fishers of people and do the right thing. Who do we want to show kindness to this week?

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Weekly Mission

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Weekly Mission


Children's Liturgy

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Children's Liturgy

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
Jesus healed people who were sick. Who makes you feel better when you are sick? How can we care for one another?

Activity Sheet