
Lego Club

This week in Lego Club we delved into the world of wildlife exploration in the jungle. We uncovered a forest thick with trees and slippery leaves and created our very own animal rescue centre – always handy when dealing with endangered species like elephants, pandas and giant otters. Venturing further into the depths of the dark jungle habitat, we discovered a forest fire, only to be extinguished by a solar powered aeroplane’s water sprinkling system aided by a lady with giant arms scooping up any distressed animals to the safety of a ready-made river on the aeroplane! How we all love our dramatic and creative play...and our new Lego City Advent calendar!

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Extra Curricular Clubs Updates

As a reminder, please find attached the Extra-Curricular Club Timetable:

Michaelmas Term Clubs

Changes to Extra Curricular Clubs

J5 and J6 Chamber Choir has moved to Thursday morning, from Wednesday.

J5 Art & DT Club has moved to Friday afternoon, from Thursday.

J1 Cartoon Drawing has moved to Wednesday lunchtime (12:30), from Friday

Rec Yoga has moved to Tuesday lunchtime (12:30), from Monday

Cancellations to Extra Curricular Clubs

Chess club is currently not running - we will update you as soon as we have a new start date

Afterschool Clubs - pick up locations and times


J1 Rugby Tots - 3.45pm - Lower Playground

J3 to J6 Move It Shake It - 4.45pm - Gables

J4 STEAM Club - 4.45pm - Front Steps

J5 and J6 Girls Hockey Club - 5.00pm at North Leam School or 5.30pm at Crackley Hall


J1 and J2 Eco Club - 4.15pm - Front Steps

J1 and J2 Coding Club - 4.15pm - Front Steps

J3 and J4 Hockey Club - 4.15pm - Lower Playground

J4 to J6 Fencing Club - 4.45pm - Gables

Rec to J6 Bayleaf Cookery - 4.45pm - Front Steps

J3 to J6 STEM Young Engineers - 5.00pm - Science Room Door 


Rec to J2 Move It Shake It - 4.15pm - Gables

J5 and J6 Girls Football Club - 4.15pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields

J5 and J6 Boys Football Club - 4.15pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields


J3 and J4 Girls Football Club - 4.15pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields

J3 and J4 Boys Football Club - 4.15pm - Crackley Hall Playing Fields


J1 and J2 ATMA Karate - 4.00pm - Gables

J1 to J6 Complete Cricket - 4.30pm - Lower Playground

J5 Art and DT Workshop - 4.45pm - Science Room Door

J3 to J6 ATMA Karate - 5.00pm - Gables