Learning In Action

Junior 6

In RHSE we have continued thinking about the changes that happen as we grow up and transition into adults. In our most recent sessions, we have been learning about topics all the way from how to make and grow relationships, how our bodies change as we grow, to how babies are made. It is brilliant to see the children approach their RSHE topics sensibly and with maturity. They have contributed to discussions and asked questions with an emotional literacy beyond their years. The children have also been thinking about all their memories at Crackley as we start to put together our class yearbook. We had such fun thinking about all our happy and funny memories. Seeing the children flourish as they make the most of the final term at Crackley is a pleasure to see. We are so proud of you Junior 6, keep up the hard work!

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Junior 5

This week, Junior 5L have continued to learn about the Tudor dynasty (1485 – 1603) in Hstory. The children have been inquisitive and enthusiastic when learning about the major concern of witchcraft within the Tudor reign. They engaged in discussions regarding the types of people who would most likely be accused of being a witch. The children have been creative in constructing their own 'Wanted' poster for a witch. Some children have even tea stained their poster to make them look authentic. I think you’ll agree that you wouldn’t have wanted to be an old lady (with a birthmark), who had a cat and kept herself to herself in the Tudor times!!

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Junior 4

This week, Junior 4 were treated to a morning at Princethorpe College, where they learnt all about the role technology has when creating music. They all loved creating their own pieces of music, using various sounds and instruments. It has been yet another excellent week for this wonderful group of children, who continue to impress their teachers. In English, they continued their enthusiasm for poetry, using ambitious vocabulary to create poems about the environment. Well done to everyone in Junior 4 – they are superstars!

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Junior 3

After the excitement of another Bank Holiday weekend, Junior 3 have settled back into the rhythm of learning. We are coming to the end of our unit on fractions, and we are officially ‘fabulous fractioneers’. Our teachers have been so impressed with how well we can compare, order, add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. We know so many fractions equivalent to 1 whole and we can also calculate fractions equivalent to 1/2 and 1/4. In English, we have been learning how to use the possessive apostrophe accurately by claiming all sorts of classroom items as our own.

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Junior 2

What a fabulous afternoon we had on Friday, marking the occasion of His Majesty King Charles III’s Coronation. We wish King Charles and Queen Camilla the very best for the future. As always, we have had a very busy week. Children continued to use the book 'The Tin Forest' to look for sentences with adjectives. In Science, we continue with our gardening and our dried beans experiment is in full flow. The children have thoroughly enjoyed observing the wonder of nature’s new growth in the classroom! Finishing our week in church celebrating the First Holy Communion Mass was wonderful.

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Junior 1

History was the highlight of the week in Junior 1 as the pupils looked at toys that children made in the past. They found out that toys were usually handmade, so they created their own toys! Using card and string they had the opportunity to make a penny spinner or whirligig spinning toy. English and Science have linked nicely together, looking at minibeasts – drawing and labelling them, writing a fact file about them and matching descriptions to pictures. Geography was very topical this week as we were looking at different types of weather. We drew different weather symbols and tried to match them to the weather we were experiencing.

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This week Reception have been preparing for our upcoming trip to the Sea Life Centre! We have been using the VR headsets to explore different creatures and habitats under the sea and preparing questions to ask about the animals in the exhibits. We can’t wait to have a wonderful time!


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