
Lego Club

Did you know that the greatest Star Wars Lego inventions aren't in a galaxy far, far away - they are much, much closer and right here in Lego Club! Lego Star Wars is certainly one of Lego's most beloved concepts, inspiring Jedi of all ages for over two decades and Star Wars continues to be the most popular Lego theme of all time. With the Star Wars Lego Advent calendar sold out absolutely everywhere, the force began this week when we made up our very own epic adventures with clone troopers and battle droids roaring through the atmosphere. We recreated iconic starships with hidden wheels and hover effects and tanks with elevating spring-loaded shooters and a very hungry clone commander who insisted on eating strawberry ice-cream every time he saw a green lightsaber! As each invention lined up, we masterminded a command station with fold-up ramps and an escape chamber for Luke Skywalker's new pet hedgehog who was emerging from a brief encounter with a horse-riding school Part 2!  Now there's a force to be reckoned with - thank goodness for the Lego Club raffle!

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