
Preparing For Advent

As we approach Advent, we help the children to understand that Advent is a time for preparing for Christmas, both practically and spiritually. During RE lessons, Drama and Assemblies we think about the true message of Christmas.

This year we have decided as a school, to take part in a Reverse Advent Calendar – this is when the pupils and staff each pick a number from (1 – 25) out of a hat. They are then asked to bring either an item of food, a toiletry product or a small toy.

The donations will be collected by class teachers who will put them in a box in the classroom. They will be displayed at the Advent Mass and the final assembly of the year.

All donations will be collected on Friday 16 December and taken to Kenilworth, Leamington and Warwick Food Banks to help communities in need. Please visit to find out more

Donations particularly in need are:

Long Life UHT Milk
Washing up Liquid
Male & Female Deodorants
Shower Gel
Packets of Instant Mash
Tinned Vegetables

Products to avoid:

Dried pasta
Baked beans

Please try to avoid those items if at all possible.

If you have any questions or indeed any suggestions in ways we could help our local community, please contact Mrs Jackson-Mayne at

Thank you for your support.

Remembrance Assembly

At the Eleventh Hour on the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month – We Will Remember Them.

This morning, the whole school gathered in the school hall to remember the men and women who have fallen during conflicts throughout the world.  Mr Duigan led the Remembrance Service and at 11am Theo C from Junior 6 played the Last Post and we held a two-minute silence.  

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”


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Fabulous Foundation Choral Workshop

On Tuesday 8 November, Juniors 5 and 6 welcomed Years 4, 5 and 6 from Crescent School for a fantastic, full day of uplifting and inspiring music. The pupils from both schools worked together under the guidance of Directors of Music, Susan Olden and Julie Barnes, rehearsing, performing, and improvising a mix of vocal pieces.

Mrs Olden and Mrs Barnes both agreed that the joint initiative had been another very successful day, remarking that, “It is so good to work together, everyone really enjoys themselves, it’s always one of the highlights of the term.”

During the day, pupils worked on songs that included the lively Building by Richard Stilgoe, the amusing Pirates by Alan Simmons and the uplifting Sing From Your Heart by Jon Allen. They also had great fun singing Abba’s upbeat Money Money Money and Thank You For The Music with their catchy refrains.

In the afternoon, the pupils put on a concert for their parents. As well as the shared works the concert included a number of individual school pieces and pupil solos. The audience were most impressed with the children’s enthusiastic performance.

Julie Barnes, Director of Music at the Crescent School, continued, “Both schools have such a strong musical tradition, and the children really rise to the occasion, it is great to come over and work together.”

Susan Olden, Director of Music at Crackley Hall, added, “There is real talent within our schools and our music workshops always inspire our pupils.”

The Junior Schools Music Workshops are just one of the many performance opportunities that pupils at the schools take part in.

To watch the children singing Money Money Money please click here.


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Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are:

Nursery  Ava
Reception A  Otto
Reception M  Tazio
J1H  Reuven
J1G  May
J2B  Charlie
J3H  Alfie
J3V  Jess
J4S  Diya
J4R  Charlotte
J5W  Beatrice
J5L  Harry
J6V  Beatrice
J6H  Rosie

Congratulations to them all!

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