
Learning In RE

RE in Reception

In RE in Reception this week we ventured outside and we were able to recognise and describe some of the things which God had created in our world. We looked at the beauty and the detail in everything we found. We gathered leaves, sticks from trees, soft feathers from birds, grass and the odd daisy too and we made a giant tree and a stick person to show our understanding.

Next Mass

The next Mass will be at 9am on Wednesday 5 October. It will be led by Junior 4R on the theme of Harvest.

Collective Worship

Thank you to all our leaders of Collective Worship this week. It was a busy week where pupils delivered messages of ‘Developing your Gifts and Talents to celebrate Education Sunday’ and also exploring ways to show and ask for forgiveness. Pupils from Junior 4 to Junior 6 demonstrated skills of collaboration and organisation as they led sessions for their own class and for younger pupils. Thank you also to parents who gave their support.

Vocational Wheel

During Vocations Week, 31 October 2022 to 4 November, we would like to invite parents into school to share with pupils what they do for a living and to explain to the pupils the talents and gifts they use to fulfil their role. Parents will speak to a number of small groups of children (about five or six pupils) for about ten minutes each.

It would be a fantastic opportunity to inspire the children, ignite a few ambitions and reinforce positive attitudes on how we use our God given talents in different ways.

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Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission:

Weekly Mission