Little Crackers

Nursery News

We have been making the most of the fabulous weather this week, as well as preparing for our Sports Day, which at the moment we are keeping our fingers crossed for!  It all rests on Boris now, the Sport’s Day will obviously take place, but hopefully you will be able to join us.  We will let you know as soon as decisions are made at Government level. 

Likewise, our Graduation is also hanging in the balance, but whatever happens, the children are learning songs, practising races, and having a thoroughly good time in the process. 

Our youngest children have been spending more time playing together in their own room again this week as we manage the very different age groups at the end of the year, and they are benefitting from a slightly different environment, as our pre-school children prepare for their next big step into Reception class in September. 

Thank you for all your support with ‘pre-nursery’ sun cream application, and sending in hats.  It is really important that our children are safe in the sun, and we are altering our outside times accordingly too.  I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, it looks like the good weather will continue!
