Learning In Action

Junior 6

This week, Junior 6 have finally been able to enjoy their Games afternoon on a sunny field! After the very mixed weather of the last few weeks, it was a welcome relief to be able to enjoy the sun on our faces whilst playing the traditional summer sports of rounders and cricket, welcoming Crescent School to join us for some friendly fixtures on Wednesday. Pale legs and faces were finally exposed to the glorious sunshine and many children returned with a healthy summer glow. Long may the weather last!

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Junior 5

This week, our wonderful Junior 5 pupils have continued to learn their songs and actions, ready to perform with Junior 6 in our production of Joseph in a couple of weeks’ time. We have some real movers and shakers in there!

Our girls had an incredible time on Wednesday in their rounders games (the last fixture of the year) against Crescent, walking away as victors. Super results, girls!

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Junior 4

Year 4 are using novels in English to enhance and reinforce their knowledge on subjects they have, or are, studying this term. Mrs Wildey's and Mrs Burley's groups are using How To Train Your Dragon in connection with our 'Vikings' topic and Mrs Jackson-Mayne's group is reading The Girl Who Stole The Elephant, which links to our topic on 'India'.

One of our activities this week was to design our own dragon! Take a look at the photos of our drawings and descriptions. We particularly liked the 'Daylight Dragon' who can intuitively detect kind people; we’re sure they would detect lots at Crackley Hall!


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Junior 3

This week’s wonderful weather has allowed Junior 3 to take maths outdoors! Both classes continued their enjoyment of learning time, practising what each number means on an analog clock. The children learned using a clock mat and created their own hula hoop clocks.

Across the curriculum, the children have also started to learn more about the environment, reading the Greak Kapok Tree in English and practising how to use various persuasive writing techniques. We were all devasted to hear about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and we are motivated to write persuasive letters to a logging company next week!

Well done everyone, keep up the amazing work.


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Junior 2

Junior 2 have been really busy this week thinking about ‘Temperature’ for our maths topic. The children have been amazed to find there are numbers BELOW ZERO and have been fascinated to see that the bigger the number in negative numbers, the lower the temperature! Fascinating stuff. We finished the week with an experiment and challenge, to see who could find a range of temperatures and guess the actual degree, some pupils were really accurate, which was fantastic.

Our veggie garden is growing beautifully now and the radishes and onions are almost ready for harvesting. The Princethorpe team came across to help us stake the broad beans which are almost a metre high. Hopefully they will be harvested before the end of the term.

Pupils are loving our Mystery and Adventure writing topic and our novel is the Secret Seven (with a little abridging) by Enid Blyton, to tie in with the theme. Gasps and breath-holding are a pre-requisite!

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Junior 1

Our first week back in our last half-term of Junior 1 saw us learning a new story – Mr Gumpy’s Outing. What a funny and silly story it is! There are so many animals and people who decide to go on a boat ride with Mr Gumpy, there was only one wet outcome that could happen at the end – to the delight of all the children!

Back on dry land, we took a virtual trip to Northern Ireland in Geography, where tasting soda bread and fruit tea loaf helped us to imagine we were actually there!

In History we have learnt how cars have changed over time and many of Junior 1 were shocked to find out that the first cars had no roof and only came in the colour black - much different to the many designs and colours of modern-day cars. 


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Refreshed from a wonderful and very sunny half-term break, Reception have returned to school with a spring in their step and have been eager to continue learning! With summer on the horizon, we have been investigating the seaside and what we can find there. Tom Percival’s story, The Sea Saw has helped us with this, in addition to many discussions about seaweed, donkeys, sand and ice cream!

More fun has been had when exploring and recording doubles in Maths using mirrors. As you can see in our photos, we realised that double means twice as many and we spotted patterns emerging as we became maths detectives and investigated further.  

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