
The Year Of St. Joseph And RE Shining Stars

Our Shining Stars this week who each receive a Creativity/Mastery Da Vinci include, Jack, Penny, Matilda and Esme in J4W and Jay, Olivia, Kate and Andrew in J4B who all had an excellent understanding of the seven ‘I Am’ sayings which Jesus said.  The I Am sayings included,  I Am the Bread of Life; I Am the Light of the World; I Am the Gate for the Sheep; I am the Good Shepherd; I Am the Resurrection and the Life; I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life; I Am the True Vine.

Junior 3 have been exploring different Psalms in their RE lessons this week. After reading and sharing psalms in class, they decided to add their own actions to the words to make them easier to remember. Group leaders directed the groups so that they all agreed on the symbols they would use.

In Junior 1, Isabel retold the story from John 21, when Jesus appeared to His disciples on the shore of Galilee. Peter and some of the disciples had just spent all night fishing, but caught nothing. Jesus stood on the shore and yelled out to the men to cast their nets on the right side of the boat if they wanted to catch fish. Miraculously, to their amazement, they immediately caught lots of big fish. They then joined Jesus on the shore where he cooked them breakfast. This was the third time that Jesus had appeared to His disciples and this time He showed His love by sharing a meal with them.

It was lovely to welcome both Father David and Father Kevin into Crackley this week – things really feel like they are getting back to normal. Junior 3 pupils began their week by crowning the statue of ‘Our Lady’ with a beautiful crown, organised by Mrs Simmonds. Pupils read the prayer ‘Hail Mary’ around the statue to remind us that May is a special month for Mary. Later this month, Junior 3 will also take part in Mass to honour Mary, the mother of Jesus.

On Thursday afternoon, seven pupils in Junior 3 and one in Junior 5 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time and nine pupils in J4 also received Reconciliation, in preparation for their First Holy Communion in June.

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Weekly Mission