
The Year Of St. Joseph And RE Shining Stars

Ted is our Shining Star in Junior 3 this week for his detailed work on the ‘Diary of a Disciple’.

Junior 4 Shining Stars who received either a Creative or Mastery Da Vinci for their role play work this week include:  Lawson, Isabella, Olivia, Jia, Miley, Alexa, Elena, Jay, Kate and Lennon in Junior 4B and Matilda, Sebastian, Lucas, Chloe, Theo and Amelia in Junior 4W, with Penny receiving a full Da Vinci for all her exceptional RE work, including her role play.

Pupils in Junior 3 have been thinking about what happened to Jesus after Easter Sunday. In groups they have explored the disciples’ feelings and their sense of loss, followed by their astonishment and disbelief when they see Jesus. Pupils have acted out scenes and used this to combine literacy skills and RE by writing a diary account of the Ascension.

Holy Communicants

Pupils making their First Reconciliation will meet with Father Kevin on Friday 7 May to talk about the importance of reflecting on behaviour and reconciling our differences with others.

All pupils, in Juniors 3, 4 and 5 who are preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Communion will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the afternoon of 12 May.

Next Mass

Our next Mass will be led by Junior 3 is on Monday 24 May at 2pm. Pupils will receive readings next week to practice so that they can be fully involved in our first Mass this year.  Only pupils and staff to attend.

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Good Shepherd Appeal

Just a little reminder for the children to return their Good Shepherd Appeal boxes.

Please hand them into the school office.

Weekly Mission

Please click on the link below for this week's weekly mission;

Weekly Mission