PTA News

Firstly, the PTA would again like to wish all families a very warm welcome back to the new term at Crackley Hall 2020-2012. We are all absolutely thrilled to have the children back in their normal, happy routines at school surrounded by their friends and teachers. 

AGM & Ordinary Meeting

On Wednesday evening this week, the parents committee joined in on a virtual AGM alongside Mr Duigan, Mrs Lamas and Mrs Thomas to discuss events and ideas for the coming year. We would like to urge those who were not able to attend this meeting, we still very much need your help and support. The overall feeling of the meeting was that this year, more than ever, our biggest aim is to get as many parents on board as possible to help build our community to the best it has ever been. All ideas, suggestions, offers for volunteering, no matter how small, are greatly received and help to make our community as wonderful as it can possibly be. 

One of the main outcomes of the meeting was the delegation of various roles to parents across the PTA in order to make it a less daunting task for just a few parents. One of these roles was that of communication and as a result, a new email has been set up that parents may use to contact the PTA directly. The email will be managed by Donna Lakey and Carly Lee, both parents of children in Year 1. We would love to hear from you, so please save the email: Not all roles were filled and there is still plenty of opportunity for parents to join in or split roles, so please do use this email to get in touch if there is something you would like to get involved in!

For much of the time during this meeting, ideas were shared regarding COVID friendly events that can be hosted this year in a desperate bid that there can be something in 2020 that does not have to be cancelled! Watch this space for more details, which we hope to include a family on-line quiz, book swap and 'drive thru' family events. We are sure that many of you have further ideas that can be shared so please get in touch with those!

We would like to encourage all parents to take a browse at the ParentKind website @ This site was originally created to help assist PTA groups in schools but has since developed to offer support, tips and advice to parents regarding a plethora of school life and education. Crackley Hall currently hold a subscription to the site and the PTA use this as a base to store information regarding policies and upcoming events etc. It is hoped that a parent or two can come forward to help with the upkeep and running of the website, which has many pro-formas and templates already set up to make the PTA organisation more seamless. If you are interested in this role please contact Lucy Lamb at

Macmillan Coffee Morning – Friday 25 September - 8.00am

Our very first fundraising event of the year took place in a quite different format to what we had hoped, yet remained a success and we would like to thank each and every one of you for helping raise money for Macmillan.

Even better than the money raised was the great number of parents who came forward to help with the running on this event. Unfortunately COVID regulations meant that numbers were to be kept to a bare minimum, but please keep up your enthusiasm to help, as our events later this term will be requiring much more parent support! We are still counting but the figure is looking like well over £600 ! Thank you again.

Thank you again.

Second Hand Uniform

Thank you to our wonderful second hand uniform team, Nikki, Linda and Katie, for being ever patient and serving our wonderful school community with much needed pre loved uniform.

We have a £5 per jumper winter sale, a special deal due to the colder weather at the moment so please feel to contact them on to arrange an appointment, or to simply check stock availability.

To offer this service, we rely on the wonderful donations from you. So if you have any good quality uniform your child has outgrown, please use the collection box in the school front entrance.  It will then be quarantined for 72 hours before being offered for sale.

All money raised from the PTA Uniform shop is spent on extras for your children throughout the year at school and helps the children’s time become even more special. 

To conclude this week's Chronicle message, we would like to reiterate that the success of the PTA and PTA led events within school, depends on as many parents getting involved as possible, and that this support comes in all different shapes and sizes.

All are welcome and we very much hope to hear from you soon!




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