Little Crackers

Nursery News

What a brilliant week! We have been able to make the most of Music, Forest School and PE this week – and it has been a lot of fun. 

Thank you so much to the Pre-School (Badger) parents who sent in kit and wellies for Forest School on Thursday.  I was so impressed with our independent group, they took their time, but all were able to get themselves into their waterproofs and wellies ready for the outdoor fun.  We met Mrs Clark who will lead the sessions, and she taught us some of the important rules, e.g. no picking, no licking!  The children understood that this was an important way to keep safe outside, and then had lots of fun climbing the trees, following the shiny snail trails and exploring the outdoor classroom.  Mrs Clark is currently preparing the larger woods for our safe return next week.  She is making sure each group has its own kit, and would appreciate donations of wooden spoons, bowls and pans that you may be throwing out as she extends the mud kitchen provision. 

Music with Mrs Olden continues to be very popular, only now we are spending this session outside.  At the moment we are playing some fantastic musical rhythm and beat games; listening, copying and joining in. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we settle into the new routine morning and evening, so far, so good!
