
Birthday wishes

Happy birthday to Harry G, Harry F and Mya all in J4.  To DaisyMay in J6, Monty in Nursery, Leyton in Reception and Rupert in J5.

We hope you enjoy this video.

Happy Birthday

Stars Of The Week

Our Stars of the Week this week are: All Crackley Hall pupils, parents and staff!

I would really like to give the biggest joint award ever to our whole school community for travelling a new road.  You have all had different challenges and also, different levels of challenge. 

Well done for embracing them with enthusiasm, determination and a smile.  You have succeeded!  It’s about sharing - we have had to share our time supporting many people and you have done this so well.

@Parenting@Princethorpe Twitter Feed Reminder

The Foundation’s senior school Princethorpe College has set up a Twitter account to provide helpful advice and guidance to parents of pupils at the school.  Much of the advice is not specific to secondary aged children so we are inviting all members of our wider school community to follow the account. 

Run by Princethorpe College’s Deputy Head Pastoral, Mrs Beth Sharpe, it is sharing information and links from a variety of official sources and includes useful learning resources as well as advice to keep us all mentally well and safe.

Search for @Parenting@Princethorpe to follow the Twitter account.

Mathlete Of The Week

 Mathletes of the week for J1H are Shuvan and Lena

 Mathletes of the week for J4M are Amelia and Alfred 

 Well done to all!