
Lego Club News

Are you ready for a Lego challenge?

Lego fan Ted Higginbotham in J2 certainly is and he has been busy in Lego Club this week, but in quite a different way!  Ted has been involved in the 30-day Lego and already on Day 2 Ted has made a space rocket.  Ted’s rocket was extra special as it had golden rockets on it, as well as a surprise panda to keep a sharp lookout for any space intruders!

Ted enjoyed taking part in this challenge as it reminded him of the Thursday Lego Club with Mrs Hill and all his Lego friends. Mrs Hill said, "This is a fantastic way to keep Lego enthusiasts active.  It is a free 30-day calendar which can be given to your children.  It is inspiring and brings a new direction to building Lego time.  It looks great fun and I would love to see any models which you are able to make.”

If anyone would like to be part of the 30-day Lego Challenge, it is a free Lego printable calendar and each day a specific Lego challenge is presented. The printable calendar is available to download from

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