Christmas Card Orders

We are delighted to tell you that all the children have designed a Christmas card in school and should by now have brought home their sample Christmas cards together with an order form for cards, gift tags, mugs, tea towels and bags.  This is a great opportunity to purchase reasonably priced cards and other items displaying individual artwork produced by your child, whilst also raising money for the PTA.

To ensure we get the orders back in plenty of time, all orders MUST be back at school before half term, i.e. Friday 18 October.  

Please include payment with your order form (cash or cheque payable to Crackley Hall PTA) or alternatively you can pay online:

Sort Code: 30-94-93

Account Number: 02023477

Ref: Surname Xmas

The designs are beautiful this year and the children should be proud of their efforts.  Hopefully, your families and friends will enjoy them as much as they did last year.

Schools Out Non-Uniform Day

To mark the end of a busy half term the PTA have organised a non-uniform day for Friday 18 October.

Children are asked to bring in a £1 donation for the privilege which will support PTA funding together with a donation to CAFOD a charity chosen by our very own school council.

This aligns to our Harvest theme and also to our current virtue of Grateful and Generous.

Crackley Winter Wonderland - Save The Date

Saturday 30  November 2019 - 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Is it too early to be thinking about Christmas yet? Some might say yes but please save the date as it will come round quickly!

Please email if you might be able to help. Thank you for your support.