Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents

This will be the last full edition of the Chronicle this school year but there will be further communications from school throughout the summer to keep you updated on important details about school and returning in the Michaelmas term.

I would like to begin with a thank you and I know that I mention those who have helped with various events and activities throughout the school week, but last week’s school production was an outstanding success.  I wish I was able to list every single person involved who contributed to the preparations and actual performance but that would fill the rest of this page and more.  However, my sincere gratitude is extended to each and everyone of you that made the event such an enjoyable one, especially Mrs Paphitis, Mrs Olden and Mrs Wildey.  Mrs Carol Williams, commented that it is the first show she has been able to watch in her 18 years of teaching at Crackley Hall and she could not stop smiling throughout.  I am never fail to be totally in awe of the talents of your children; even the very youngest that take to the stage and give everything they have to perform with their school friends. If you were unable to attend, I would certainly recommend watching a Spoonful of Naughty on DVD!

On Monday, voting took place for next year’s Head Boy and Head Girl and I am delighted to report that there was an excellent field from which to choose.  The new Head Boy and Girl will be announced at next week’s Prize Giving evening.

As you will have noticed in our entrance foyer, the winter sports teams photographs are now available to order and the School Office will contact you again when the summer team photographs and Junior 6 photographs are available to view.

On Tuesday, Nursery Graduation took place in the Hall.  It was hoped to hold the ceremony on the top lawn but the British weather proved typically unseasonably this week and the Hall provided shelter for all.  It was a lovely occasion nonetheless and it was super to see so many parents and family members supporting.  The Nursery staff were presented with a lovely framed poster with all the leavers’ fingerprints making up the leaves of a tree.

There was much excitement on Wednesday when all children were able to spend the morning with their new class and teacher.  We welcomed new children who will be joining Crackley Hall in September and they settled in very quickly, enjoying their new environment and playing with their new friends.  It may seem like a long wait now until the start of the new term but I assure you that the summer holidays will pass quicker than you would possibly like and during that time school will be preparing for your return.

During assembly this morning we said some fond farewells to several staff members, Carol Williams, Pete Harris, Matthew Duigan, Lottie Jones and Patricia George and they in turn surprised the school with a presentation of a star named after all the Crackley Hall children who are all….stars!  We will say a little more next week.

Congratulations to all of the stars of the week including: all of Nursery, Mahnoor, Sara, Isaac, Andrew, all of Junior 2, Amelia, Freddie, Joseph, Amy, Nancy, J5R, Hattie, Joe and Reece.

I am pleased to announce that Blythe, Esme and Arthur are our gymnasts for this week and the RE Book of the Week has been awarded to Jasper, Sam, Amelia, Helayna, Lily, Max, Henry W, Henry V and Harry T for their amazing drama work on parables. 

Thankfully, the weather has improved significantly and the KS2 sports day has been much cause of excitement and celebration.  Thank you to Mrs Vaughan for co-ordinating the schedule which, Mr Hardwick and Mr Rawson for preparing the field, Mr Sansum and his team for catering and the PTA for providing their services serving refreshments.  I hope you all had a wonderful day supporting the houses.

Next week will be a short week as term will finish on Wednesday.  Before the final day, we will be celebrating the Prize Givings on Tuesday, Leavers Mass on Monday and Leavers Assembly on Wednesday.  I am sure that there will be some tears shed, but I hope that there will be many smiles too together with lasting memories of special times for both teachers and children.  Information regarding the announcement of next year’s pupil leaders will be circulated on Monday.

At last the South African cricketers seem to be having a decent match and should beat Sri Lanka – this will help England greatly but England will still need to win two tough games to progress through to the semi-finals.  The England women’s football team are playing really well and, hopefully, will progress though to the final this week.

God bless,


Robert Duigan