
Crackley Hall And Little Crackers Nursery Open Event

Saturday 9 March - 10.30am to 12.30pm

Join us for our Spring Open Morning, a great opportunity to look around the school and nursery at the weekend and to chat to staff and pupils.

Junior 5 and 6 pupils will act as tour guides and there will be music and sport activities on display. Light refreshments will be available.

All are welcome to look round the school, and to meet staff and pupils. No need to book.

Please email Mrs Jenny Vaughan, Admissions Secretary at or call her on 01926 514410 for more information on the Open Morning and admissions process.


Events - Week Beginning Monday 11 March

 Monday 11   March

 3.45 - 5.00pm  U10 A, B & C Football vs   Bablake (H)

 Tuesday 12   March

 10.30 -   11.30am  J3 Swimming

 KS2 Performing Arts   Evening

 Wednesday 13   March

 10.00 -   10.30am  J4 Swimming

 10.00 -   11.30am

 Stay 'n' Play

 2.30 - 4.00pm

 U11 & U10 A & B Netball   vs Kingsley (A)

   3.00 - 5.30pm

 U11 A, B & C Football vs   Bablake (A)

 Thursday 14   March

 8.30am -   5.00pm  ISA Midlands U9 Netball

 2.45 - 5.00pm

 U8 A & B Football vs   Bablake (A)

 Friday 15   March

 8.40 - 9.40am  Celebration Assembly


 2.00 - 5.30pm  U11 County Hockey   Tournament (A) 


 4.00 - 5.00pm

 U9 A & B Football vs   Bablake (H)


Lent Term Calendar

A pdf copy of the Lent Term 2019 Calendar can be found below.

Please be aware that events are added as the term progresses, so remember to keep an eye on the Chronicle for any additions/changes.

Lent Term Calendar