Headmaster's Message

Headmaster's Welcome

Dear Parents,

I hope the beginning of March finds you well and looking forward to spring.  The warm weather we enjoyed at the start of the week was well timed for the One World Week visits and ISA netball tournament but, unfortunately, it did not last for the cross country yesterday -  I’m sure, though, the more mud, the more fun!

I would like to start by thanking Mrs Jackson-Mayne for co-ordinating another wonderful One World Week.  The children have attended various visits including mosques, synagogues, temples and churches, not to mention the activities taking place in school with a story teller and Bollywood dancer.  As you will see from the photographs provided later in this issue, the children and staff have enjoyed some amazing experiences.  I am thankful to all staff for assisting with these visits and to our PTA for funding the story teller and dancer.

Not only have the children been busy with One World Week but our Junior 1 and 2 classes staged a wonderful music and prose performance for their families to enjoy on Wednesday afternoon.   Every child was involved in the performance and it was, as usual, an absolute joy to watch.  I hope those of you who attended also enjoyed the event.  Thank you to Mrs Olden, Mrs Wildey, Mrs Paphitis and the J1 and J2 staff members for organising the afternoon.  I will look forward to the Key Stage 2 Performing Arts Evening on 12 March.

Mrs Vaughan and Mrs Duigan accompanied our U11 netball team to the Midlands ISA competition on Tuesday and I am delighted to report that they played incredibly well earning themselves a place in the Nationals in York later this month.  Well done girls!  

Another wonderful sporting achievement was recorded by those Junior 3 and 4 pupils who attended the cross country yesterday at Grace Dieu.  Sixteen schools took part and our Junior 3&4 boys won, with the Junior 3&4 girls coming 4th.  Max won the boys’ race, with Sid finishing 2nd and Elle came 2nd in the girls’ race.  Well done to the whole team!

Thank you to our PTA and parents who have supported their children at the events, visits and in other ways in school this week and during the rest of the year.  Your involvement in your child’s school life is an important one and we value your contribution.  The Junior 6 parents have asked me to let you know that, following Monday’s meeting, a date has been confirmed for the leavers’ celebration.  This will be held on 29 June with further details later in the newsletter.  Please note that this event is a parent-coordinated one and is not a school function.  We do know that it will be very well organised and enjoyed by all the pupils.

I hope to see as many of you as possible during the parent-teacher consultation evenings on Tuesday and Thursday next week and would welcome your feedback on us hosting the majority of the appointments in the School Hall on this occasion.  Please would you park considerately when attending any event taking place at school as we have received numerous complaints recently from local residents where cars have obstructed driveways, paths and prevented other cars from moving.

May I also request that you use the carline system correctly so that you, and other parents, are able to collect your children safely, as quickly as possible and reduce the keep traffic congestion to a minimum.  Keeping to the correct pick-up times and traffic continually moving around the small roundabout within the car park will help enormously.  I have also spoken to respective members of staff about having pupils ready for collection on time.

Congratulations to all our stars of the week – Edward, Henry, Isabelle, Isla, Isabella, Evie, William, Alex, Harry, Isabel, Soren, Bella, Saffron, Francesca and Amelia.  Well done, also, to those who were awarded their merit certificates – all most deserving!

We were entertained by Finlay on piano, followed by Jorja on flute and both pupils played very well indeed.

School will be very busy during the next few weeks and I would encourage you to read the full content of this newsletter to ensure you are aware of events.  Please do consider putting your name forward for the Headmaster’s Quiz, either by joining or forming a team or by emailing the school or PTA members (we will place you in a team).  It is a good evening of fun, laughter and refreshments!

I wish you a restful weekend and may see some of you at the Healing Mass at St Francis’ Church tomorrow afternoon.


God bless,


Robert Duigan