
RE Book Of The Week

RE Book of the Week has been awarded to Isaac (J1GR).

Events And Information

Wednesday 13 February - Mass

The next Mass, which will be led by Junior 6V, is on Wednesday 13 February at 9am, all are welcome. As it is close to Valentine’s Day it will be on the theme of love.

Monday 25 February - Friday 1 March - One World Week  

This is a special week where the children learn about different faiths and beliefs in more depths. This is an ideal way for pupils to develop an understanding and respect of the different ways people express their faith.

Help Wanted: We would like volunteers from all faiths to come and talk to the children about their faith and beliefs. 

Please contact Mrs Jackson-Mayne on sjacksonmayne@crackleyhall.co.uk or speak to your class teacher if you are happy to come and talk to a class about how you live out your faith.